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The Company

Who are these guys?

A Staircase Above Studios is a developer of interactive entertainment software that was founded in 2013 in Erie, Pa by a few dreamers. The premise of the company is to ask one question at every turn;

“Is it fun?” 

What’s the point?

At A Staircase Above Studios, our mission is to take the video game experience back to its roots. We vow to push the gaming experience to the limits and to give our customers an unequaled product that will never sacrifice any single aspect of the experience for the benefit of another.

This one’s for our employees:

Our fundamental belief is that amazing things can be achieved with the right team. Great people make great games and we seek out only the best people for the job. Our team loves what they do and that is evident in all the products we create.

This one’s for our industry:

A Staircase Above Studios’ main objective is to create highly entertaining video games that have unparalleled elements of fun and originality, allowing gamers to remember why they began playing video games in the first place.

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